Monday, December 27, 2010

MERRY CHRISTMAS! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas filled with love, family, and Jesus Christ....The greatest gift of all, who is, after all, the real reason we celebrate this wonderful holiday! (more Christmas pictures to come)
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My sweet Reese Mikaela Lee is 3 years old! I can hardly believe it was a whole 3 years ago that we were blessed with this amazing little girl who has taught us so much. Reese is a very special girl who came to us in an unconventional way, but has been nothing but a good thing for us as individuals and as a family. Reese has taught Darren and I so much about the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and is such a vital part of our growing Eternal family. She has such a love for the gospel and our savior and to see that love and knowledge, strengthen and grow over the years has been the most magnificent blessing. I could ramble on forever about are lovely girl, but I'll just end with a thank you, and Happy Birthday to our beautiful Reese!
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Reese being the lovely, imaginative girl she is, came over to me the other day and said the words a mother longs to hear from her three year old daughter, "Mom, I want you to cut my hair in a mohawk!" Me, thinking I didn't hear her correctly asked her to repeat herself....her response, "Cut of the sides and spike it up, ya know, a mohawk!?" She was pretty disappointed when my response was, "NO WAY!" But I decided not to make it too big of a deal and compromised by putting six little ponies down the center of her head and ratting the top. Once she saw how cool she looked she asked for some lipstick and a photo shoot.....Above is the final result!
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