Monday, November 1, 2010

Jack Attack- ...He's really just an attack of cuteness and slobber:) My sweet baby boy is growing up. He has found his hands and they are constantly in his mouth. He is also cutting his two bottom teeth which doesn't help at all with the little drool problem he has developed. He is growing fast and has put on quite a bit of weight in the past 3 1/2 months...mostly in his cheeks! His precious little butt chin and adorable dimples melt my heart everyday. Jack is a very mellow, sweet boy that loves his mama! Thank heavens for that because Reese is a total daddy's girl. Jack loves being sung to. His favorite songs are the same as his sisters, "I love to see the Temple" and "I am a Child of God". Jack is very easy to get smiling and is the most ticklish baby I have ever seen. Next big steps for Jack are rolling over, sitting up, and probably some baby food for my little chunk. He is such a sweet boy and I am so blessed to have such wonderful children!
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  1. I didn't know you had a blog! Yay! Keep us updated- you have the cutest family!

  2. cute cute cute!!!!! lots of hugs and kisses to baby jack from his auntie morgan!!!!!!
